Friday, February 5, 2010

The Travel Guide

After reading a blog post about (on, its a really cool blog so go check it out) the types of clothes to wear while traveling and then discovering a cool website which specializes in travel beauty products I knew I had to write about some of my faveourtie travel sites for my 200th post! As I've stated on here several times, I love the joy which traveling brings me. I love exploring new places, meeting new people, and even the journey en route to the destination.

If your anything like me you try to find beauty products which are tiny enough to fit the travel restrictions, but to no avail. Luckily, the website has come to the rescue! They only sell beauty products which are 3 fluid ounces or less, so they fit the TSA rules. A lot of the products are big name brands such as Ahava (which I'm partial too), Philip B., GO Smile, and Pangea Organics, ect. Plus almost all the brands which they sell are organic/eco friendly and are reasonably priced.

Another website which I just discovered and think is amazing is It allows you to plan trips whether its a dream or a forthcoming reality. If you find cool restaurant you want to try, or a hotel you want to sleep at you can bookmark it so when the time comes all your informatuon is all in one place.

Last but not least is and Both websites are fantastic if your just starting to research for an upcoming trip. I hope I was able to help you out with your future travel plans! Bon Voyage!

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